Volume reduction of landfill waste and Diaper processing

Volume reduction of landfill waste and Diaper processing
What can W-MTD do, what is the system of W-MTD?
Massive amount of plastic waste, food waste, or household waste, etc. which are generated in our daily life are processed by either burning, burying or partially recycling, etc. currently, we are making a tearful effort about it.
However, landfill space for the burning ash is limited and we are running out of capacity to accept more wastes.
Building a new landfill space is a solution but there are various issues to be discussed and we cannot build it easily.
Also, burying them into the land is another way, yet there are many complex materials contained in the wastes in these days and they may harm the earth environment.
What we can do is to reduce those wastes, recycle them if possible, to reduce the amount of landfill.
It is no exaggeration to say that W-MTD is a waste recycling technology.
If we reprocess the burning ash generated by burning the daily wastes, industrial waste, etc., by W-MTD, the waste volume can be further reduced and detoxified to make new ceramic.
Reusing the new ceramic to operate W-MTD will reduce the amount of burning ash from burying as much as possible.
Example: If we consider the amount of waste that are delivered to the incinerator as 100, it will be reduced by 1/300 -1/500.
Volume reduction and detoxification is the W-MTD’s technology.
However, it may not be easy to replace the existing large incinerator into W-MTD when considering the cost, etc.
For example, while residue amount from burning the wastes is about 1/10 of original waste amount, it becomes 1/300 -1/500 after processing by the W-MTD (Magnetic Thermal Decomposition Device).
Second processing of the burning ash can reduce the ash volume by 1/15, therefore, W-MTD not only reduces the residue volume but also reduce the toxic substances contained in the wastes as well..
If you have a landfill space problem, it is possible to reprocess the burning ash generated from the existing large incinerator by W-MTD to reduce the residue amount.
Also, W-MTD is good at processing used disposable diapers that are increasing rapidly.
Disposable diapers are specified as industrial wastes or general wastes for each municipality and diapers are incinerated yet the amount is rapidly increasing compare to 10 years ago.
When processing paper diapers, it requires twice or three times more of calories than processing woods and also needs a lot of air which raise the processing temperature and damages the fireproof bricks that costs a lot for the maintenance.
In recent years, trash processor manufacturers focus on recycling and diversify the processing methods, etc., W-MTD reduces the volume of collected used diapers and detoxifies them by just throwing them into W-MTD without generating dioxin, CO2.
Watch a video of a W-MTD (Magnetic Decomposition Device) on You Tube